Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Leaning Towers of Pesach :), + more Sun. fun

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Shira's Shots
The Leaning Towers of Pesach :)

Since my poor husband the Certified Public Accountant is invariably too busy working on tax returns (from which his earnings help pay for the Pesach shopping!) to help much with the early stages of Pesach/Passover preparations, much of the prep-Pesach prep falls on me and the cleaning person.  Therefore, since I do most of the storing (stashing chametz kitchen equipment [pots, pans, appliances, etc.] and kitniyot), and much of the Pesach kitchen equipment unpacking and arranging, before Pesach, he gets the honor of repacking the Pesach storage boxes after Pesach.  Here's a shot of our bedroom floor about an hour ago.  (Thank goodness we're not Moroccan--if we had to put everything away within a few hours after the end of Pesach in order to celebrate Mimouna, I have no clue how we manage!)

Gifts and gorgeous things

Here's a close-up (click on the photo for a "closer-up" :), and double-click for an even closer view) of some of our favorite Pesach items.  On the left is our Pesach kiddush cup/kos kiddush), which was a wedding present from a group of friends of ours from our previous synagogue.  (They intended it to be Kos Eliyahu/Elijah's Cup, but since we haven't had a seder in our home in years [long story], we use it as a kiddush cup, lest such a fine gift go to waste.)  In the middle is a trivet that was made, if memory serves me correctly, by potter Joan Mezmik.  And at the top right is a matzah cover hand-made by one of our oldest and dearest friends.

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